David Florey

Photography | Videography | Tech

Australian Government Canberra – Is The Brand Tarnished?

Those of us (in Australia) who have ever watch free to air television or listened to the radio, will have heard various bulletins from the Australian Government for upcoming elections or Government-backed campaigns – all of them end with the same very quickly spoken “…authorised by the Australian Government Canberra…” such as this one: This …

Australian Notifiable Data Breach reporting for all businesses & organisations – are you ready?

With the ever increase in personal information collected and stored globally to be used for marketing, finance, memberships, and many other purposes, we are seeing unprecedented figure stats of data growth (see here for example) – what happens to all this data? – who has access to the data and what happens when it gets into the …

What the future holds for Technology in Governments

The smart phone has been a revolutionary game changer to how we communicate, how we share information, and how we interface with the world around us. Long gone are the days where the mobile phone was just a phone for making & receiving calls, and shortly after, short text messages. When the mobile phone first …

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